Follow other users trade or create your own Leader Wallet to lead the pack.
Main Menu: Returns to Main Menu
Switch Wallet: Switch between wallets to set mirror account.
Set Wallet to Mirror: Present the Leader Wallet Address you wish to mirror-trade with.
Create Leader Wallet: Create a new wallet specifically for the purpose of allowing others to follow. Remember, only Leader Wallets can be followed, and presenting default wallets won't mirror the transactions of the followed wallet.
Mirrored Leader Wallets: Track your mirrored Leader Wallets.
Explore Leader Wallets: Explore Leader Wallets and assess their performance through Profit and Loss (PnL).
After following a Leader Wallet, you will be prompted to set a USD amount limit for mirror-trading. Upon specifying the amount, the system automatically converts it to the native currencies of the chain you're mirror-trading on. In essence, you provide your limit in USD, and we execute the transactions in the native currencies of the respective chains.
Last updated